We also offer you a wide range of personnel services at our extensive locations in Croatia. These range from direct placement and temporary employment to payrolling services and customised HR solutions. Customised solutions for your individual situation or matter will be provided for you in the shortest possible time and you will be supported directly and throughout the entire process by our local offices. You can rely on our many years of expertise and our knowledge of the market.
Horvatova 82/6HR-10000 Zagreb
Phone number: +385 16 06 44 20
E-Mail: info.hr@dekra.com
Homepage: www.dekra-zapo.hr
Horvatova 82/6HR-10000 Zagreb
Phone number: +385 16 06 44 20
E-Mail: info.hr@dekra.com
Homepage: www.dekra-zapo.hr
Poljička 15HR-21000 Split
Phone number: +385 21 44 41 86
Telefax: +385 21 44 41 87
E-Mail: split.hr@dekra.com
Homepage: www.dekra-zapo.hr
Petra Preradovića 4HR-35000 Slavonski Brod
Phone number: +385 35 40 84 75
Telefax: +385 35 40 84 76
E-Mail: slavonski.brod.hr@dekra.com
Homepage: www.dekra-zapo.hr
Radmile Matejčić 10HR-51 000 Rijeka
Phone number: +385 51 32 28 96
Telefax: +385 51 32 28 97
E-Mail: rijeka.hr@dekra.com
Homepage: www.dekra-zapo.hr
Andrije Kačića Miošića 1HR-52100 Pula
Phone number: +385 52 22 42 23
Telefax: +385 52 22 42 19
E-Mail: pula.hr@dekra.com
Homepage: www.dekra-zapo.hr
Hrvatske Republike 19dHR-31000 Osijek
Phone number: +385 31 28 30 83
Telefax: +385 31 28 31 03
E-Mail: osijek.hr@dekra.com
Homepage: www.dekra-zapo.hr